Moonrose Healing

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Illness and Spirituality

A very common misconception is that as a Reiki practitioner, I am immune to illness because I have been attuned to heal others. I can definitely confirm this is FALSE. If anything, spiritual people are MORE prone to becoming ill. My body has been fighting a virus for almost 2 weeks now and it's been brutal. The reason I say spiritual people are more prone to illness is because we are always taking on other people's shit. If it stays in our aura too long, it eventually starts to wear on us. 

What I have come to realize as I journey further along my spiritual path is that illness is almost never just because of those nasty germs we pick up along the way, it's a wake up call that there is something we need to pay attention to. The spiritual person's illness is essentially a cleansing period. When your spirit is ready to move to the next vibrational level, your body needs to make way for new energy. The only way to make room for new things is of course to clear out the old.

 Another misconception is that as a spiritual person you must always positive. It's pretty difficult to remain positive when you are bed ridden and essentially feel like you are dying. Don't worry, I totally get it! It's super hard to remember to take care of yourself because you just feel so shitty. Sometimes you may even feel useless, forgetting to eat, not meditating, or maybe not being the nicest person to whoever crosses your path. The most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself in these moments, no one is perfect.

Recovering from an illness and stepping into the higher vibrational level requires high amounts of self-care. There is no single correct way to approach self-care and ultimately you are the best judge of what works for you.  

For me, self care during illness looks like this:

  • Epsom salt baths to cleanse any toxins out
  • Surrounding myself with soothing, and high vibe crystals such as Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Selenite
  • Drinking lots of coconut water
  • Ensuring I get more rest than normal
  • Saying no to serving others when I am not 100%
  • Meditating 

After you start to feel better, I suggest cleaning your house and then cleansing with sage. Cleaning is an obvious measure to take after being sick so you can be rid of the germs you spread around your house despite your best efforts. Cleansing with sage may not be the first thing you think of, but it is essential to clear any remaining negative energies out of your house. When we leave these energies hanging in the air around us, they will continue to effect our well-being, thus never ending the cycle of holding valuable space in our energy